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Time of year has no influence of the likelihood of having a boy baby

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Q: What is the most chance in india of boy baby of intercource in month of the year?
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Answer: when they start having intercource regulery and passiontley. and when they have a baby Answer: Beginning of book 6.

Is it true that chances of baby making it at 8 months are slim than at 6 and 7 months and why is that?

That is backwards. A baby has a better chance of survival the longer the fetus can proceed in the pregnancy, e.g. 9 months. So an 8th month fetus has a far better chance than a 7 or 8 month fetus.

You are Indian and you have a girl baby and you want next baby boy wich time you intercource your partner then you have a boy baby?

R u an idiot??? You can have intercourse at a certain time or position to have a boy. nor it matters that ur Indian, Asian or watever.

How old is a 6 month baby?

A 6 month baby is six month old

Mucus period one month no period the next month?

see a doctor even if you are on birth control there is a chance of getting pregnant and the mucus you had could have been from the baby attaching itself to your uterus.

How do you abort a six month old baby?

You dont! You dont let it get that far if you dont want the baby! As far as I am aware there is nowhere in the world you can abort a normal baby at six months and at this stage a baby born has an at least 50% chance of survival.

Baby of 3.5 yrs and no problem in pregency but when you take again chance you twice got miscarige due to bleeding in second month guide you please?


What is the chance of a baby being born a hermaphrodite?

0.03 to 0.5 chance of a baby being born a hermaphrodite

Did a 3 month old baby girl marry an 11 month old baby boy?

yes. in Bangladesh a 3 month old baby girl and 11 month old baby boy were married.I don't know when, but somewhere between2013. the babies are the youngest to marry.

What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterozygous normal?

The chance of a diabetic baby born to parents who are both heterozygous normal depends on the sex. If the baby is a boy, there is a 50% chance while if it is a girl, there is a 25% chance.