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too high of cholesterol level

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Q: What is the most common cause of cardiac arrest?
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What is the most common rhythm following cardiac arrest?

ventricular fibrillation

What is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in adults?

since adults are older than children their body is older and more tired

Can dehydration cause cardiac arrest?

yes, it most certainly can.

How can you revive a patient from cardiac arrest?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the most effective treatment for cardiac arrest.

What is the most deadly flower on earth?

autumn crocus it can cause cardiac arrest. i think that's the right spelling well hope it helped

What is Cardiac arrest homicide?

- Coronary heart disease. - Non ischemic heart disease. - Trauma. - Gastrointestinal bleeding. - Aortic rupture. - Intracranial hemorrage. - Overdose. - Drowning. - Pulmonary embolism.

What is the most frequent initial rhythm witnessed in sudden cardiac arrest?

The most common abnormal heart rhythm preceding cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation. In this dysrhythmia, the ventricular walls contract randomly and rapidly, and do not effectively pump blood.

Causes of cardiac arrest and children and infants include?

A:Traumatic injuries or accidents B:Breathing emergencies C:A hard blow to the chest

Why do tetanus patients die from respiratory failure?

Severe tetanus-induced (tetanic) muscle spasms caninterfere with or stop your breathing. Respiratory failureis the most common cause of death. Lack of oxygen may also induce cardiac arrest and death. Pneumonia is another cause of death

Why we have AED's?

Persons heart stops (Oh no, heart attack, if only I had an AED to bring him back!) (Look! AED! Use it!) (Bzzt!) Hes back! Real answer: Most common cause of Cardiac arrest, is Ventricular Fibrillation. This is frequently reversible when an AED is used immediately.....

What would happen if you had too much sugar?

It can cause 'Hyper Activity' or in some cases if you have a heart problem it can cause a 'Cardiac Arrest', Yet like in most animals it usually causes it to be very ill or even die.

How many die from bulimia?

10% of bulimics will die from the disorder. There are several causes; cardiac arrest, other medical complications and suicide are among the most common causes of death among bulimics.