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an offense, as murder or burglary, of graver character than those called misdemeanors, esp. those commonly punished in the U.S. by imprisonment for more than a year. 2. Early English Law. any crime punishable by death or mutilation and forfeiture of lands and goods.

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Q: What is the most common definition of a felony?
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Is a felony a felony know matter what the crime?

If it is defined as a felony, that is what it will be. The definition varies from state to state.

What the definition of a statutory felony?

There is not a definition for the term statutory felony. Statutory law however, refers to law put in place by a legislative office.

The most common types of definitions are?

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What is the definition of first offense?

the first felony you are convicted of.

What would be the most common definition of the word united?

There are various definitions for the word united. The most common definition would be for example people who come together and form a bond as a group.

what is an A felony?

The term felony, in some common law countries, means a serious crime.

What is the most common definition of correspond?

The most common interpretation of "correspond" is by the definition of "in agreement or conformity". For example, "his actions do not correspond with his words".The other common interpretation is "exchange of communication", most often by letters. For example, "Mark was eager to correspond with his wife, and hurriedly wrote a letter about his travels".

What is the definition of the word personal?

The most common definition is private. It has other meanings dependent upon the context ( sentence ) in which it is used.

What is the archaic definition of felicity?

The most common definition of the term felicity is 'a high degree of bliss' or 'a state of being happy.' The archaic definition, however, is 'good fortune.'

What is capias felony?

A capias is a warrant for arrest of a person. The most common capias is failure to appear at a court date.

What is the definition of felony rsp?

Committing credit card fraud, cashing bad checks.

Is DUI child endangerment a felony?

In some states, a DUI involving child endangerment can be charged as a felony, particularly if it is a repeat offense or if the circumstances are severe. However, this can vary by jurisdiction, so it's important to check the specific laws in your area.