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Q: What is the most common form back up today?
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Yoga is an integral part of Hindu spiritualism. It is practiced in many forms. Sahaj Yoga is the easiest and the most common form of Yoga, practiced by most common people.

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the most common form of democracy is............. first past the post i think?

What is the most common form of transportation in the us today?

When traveling near by it is the car, and for far trips it is the plane.

What is the most common form of democarcy in today's world?

A representative democracy (also known as a republic), as almost every country in the world has this form of government.

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Morphea-- The most common form of localized scleroderma.

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The most common form of retirement is the 401(K) plan.

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A ultrasound is the most common form of diathermy.

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Burma has a junta government. That is a form of oligarchy.

Where do carbuncles occur?

Carbuncles are less common than single boils; they are most likely to form at the back of the neck.