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Q: What is the most common herbivore in the Taiga?
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Related questions

What is the most common tree in taiga?

The are a vast majority of trees in Taiga but the most common one is the apple tree.

What is the most common herbivore and what animal eats it?

The most common herbivore is a hamster and a snake eats a hamster.

What type plant life dominates the taiga?

coniferous trees

What is the most common biome in Europe?

Taiga + Temprate Broadleaf Forest UwU

Is the wolverine the most common animal in the taiga?

No, it actually isn't. It is one of the rarest. It is pretty amazing if you can see one because there are only a few in the Taiga.

What are the carnivores and herbivores in the taiga are?

a carnivore can be a fox,coyote, or bear. Herbivore can be a moose, squirrel, and birds

What is the word for 'herbivore' in Afrikaans?

PlantetendSay: plant-iya-tinnedHerbivoor (most common)

What do grassland and taiga have in common?

Both grasslands and the taiga both have grass. The Taiga has animals that eat grass so I guess that counts.

What does the amazon rainforest and taiga have in common?


What is the precipatation in the taiga?

Most precipitation in the taiga comes in the form of snow.

What are some herbivore adaptations in taiga?

Most animals migrate to warmer climates once the cold weather begins. Some animals have adapted to life in the taiga by hibernating when temperatures drop. Other animals have adapted to the extreme cold temperatures by producing a layer of insulating feathers or fur to protect them from the cold.

What does the Taiga and Tropical Rainforest have in common?

The Taiga and tropical rainforest have a few things in common. They share location, they are both lush, and heavily populated with trees.