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the common isotopes is 16

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S-32 accounts for 94.99%.

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6y ago

S^2- is the common ion formed by sulfur.

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Q: What is the most common ion formed by sulfur?
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What is the charge of the common ion formed by sulfur?

-2 is the most common charge (sulphide ion).

How many chargesin a sulfur ion?

The most common ion formed from a single sulfur atom is a sulfide ion, with a charge of -2.

How is the ion of sulfur formed?

sulfur has 16 electrons with a neutral charge the most common ion formed is the sulfide ion, with a negative 2 charge to get a negative 2 charge, it gains 2 electrons, thus fulfilling the octet rule and acquiring the electron configuration of argon

Valence number of monoatomic sulfur ion?

The most common mono-atomic sulfur ion is its anion with valence 2 and charge -2.

What is the charge most commonly formed by S?

Sulfur can form the sulfide ion (S2-) and the disulfide ion (S22-) on its own. When combined with oxygen it can form the sulfate ion (SO42-) and sulfite ion (SO32-).

How are sulfides formed?

Sulfide ion is formed when the sulfur atom gains two electrons from an external atom.

What is the term that describes the particle formed when a single sulfur atom ionizes?

sulfide ion

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Is a chlorine atom or chlorine ion bigger?

A sulfur atom is larger than an oxygen atom.

Is sulfide a mixture a compound or element?

Sulfur is an element. Sulfide, the ion formed by sulfur cannot exist on its own as a substance because it carries a negative charge and must be accompanied by a positive ion.

Is sulfur a ion?

yes sulfur is positive ion

What is the name of the ion formed when sulfur attains a noble gas electron configuration?

Sulfide, S2-