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The womb .

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Q: What is the most common name for the uterus?
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What is the common name for the uterus?


What is the most common cancer in male reproductive system?

The most common reproductive system cancer in women is the Uterus. It is the fourth most common cancer overall after breast, lung and bowel cancer.

What are some common medical conditions that effect the uterus?

The most common conditions affecting the uterus are fibroid tumors, which are benign growths, and endometriosis, where cells from the endometrium or uterine lining grow in the abdomen outside the uterus.

What is the scientific name of uterus?

The scientific name of the uterus is exactly that. It is the organ that houses the fetus when it is growing. The colloquial term for uterus is "womb".

What hormone is most responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy?

Name of this hormone is estrogen.

What is anteverted anteflexed and bulky uterus?

Anteverted, anteflexed uterus means the uterus is facing forward in your abdomen instead of the usual way, which is backward. Bulky means the same thing as in common English-it's larger than is normal, which can be due to many things, the most common of which is fibroids.

What is the real name for the womb?

the uterus...

What is the most common first name?

The most common boy name is James. [1] The most common girl name is Mary. [2]

What is the common normal site of implantation in the uterus?

Upper posterior third of the uterus.

Another name for the womb is?


What is the most common name in the US?

According to the 1990 Census of the US:* The most common last name is Smith * The most common boy's name is James * The most common girl's name is MaryFirst name: James Last name: Smith

Does anteverted uterus cause any problem?

I have an anteverted uterus and I have gone on to have 3 healthy children. Unless the tilt is extremely severe, you should be able to conceive... Unless you have other health issues that would make conception difficult.