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Burns can expose the most nerve endings. Pain from burns is pretty substantial.

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Orion Wisoky

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I think its a bruise. May or May Not be correct.

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Gisselle Valdez

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Abrasion (APEX)

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Q: What is the most common type of a wound that exposes nerve endings?
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What is the most common type of wound that exposes nerve endings?

Burns can expose the most nerve endings. Pain from burns is pretty substantial.

Why does it hurt when you disinfect a wound?

When you have a fresh wound you have exposed nerve endings. When these nerve endings are stimulated it is sensed by your brain as pain.

How is pain released by anti-inflammatory drugs?

The pain is NOT released. Pain is eased, or lowered. The anti-inflammatory drugs help lower swelling and reduce the pressure of blood against the nerve endings and the wound. Some prescription anti-inflammatory medications also have an added painkiller to do that job.

Why is the pain worse after removing the outer layer of the blister?

It hurts because a blister is a wound, and when you remove the outer layer you are irritating it. It is best to leave it alone, because in addition to pain, there is also a risk of scarring.

What are the common antibiotics used after a small wound?

so that there is no swelling not the wound and it will also not bleed.

How can you damage the vague nerve?

Nerves can be severed by major bodily trauma. For example, a well-placed bullet wound.

What will happen if you are stabbed with glass in a nerve?

It completely depends on the individual, how hard you're stabbed, etc. If the nerve receptor were completely obliterated, which is unlikely, pain from that nerve shouldn't be felt. Its highly likely the wound would hurt immensely though.

What does STO wound related stands for?

There a number of things that an STO wound related may stand for. However, the most common one is a slater type orbital wound.

The most common type of wound is?

Accidental domestic injuries.

Identify common sources of infection-?

One common source of infection is an open wound. If a wound isn't cleaned properly, bacteria can breed in the warm viscera within and cause an infection.

What is the noun of wound?

The word 'wound' is a verb and a noun.The noun 'wound' is a singular common noun, a word for a thing.The noun 'wound' is a concrete noun as a word for physical damage to living tissue.The noun 'wound' is an abstract noun as a word for an injury to a person's feelings or reputation.

If you got an arrow stuck through your shoulder how long would it take to heal?

Healing from a wound would depend on the severity of the wound (and if there was permanent nerve or muscle damage), the medical care received immediately after the injury, the age and health of the injured person.