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The most complex board game is definetly GO ( )

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Q: What is the most complex board game?
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What is the most complex man versus fate game?

The the most complex man versus fate game is not the Go game.

What makes a board game fun and how to make a board game to win a class contest?

The complexity of a board game is the most fun for educational competition such as answering questions to advance in the game, unlike less complex board games that rely on dice or a colorful cube to determine where to move. Create a type of pathway game that requires knowledge to get to a certain destination with a final question, like a tie breaker of some sort.

What is a board game that is played in antarctica?

People in Antarctica play most any board game they can access.

What is the most successful board game in the world?

Monopoly is the most successful board game. World Wide tournaments are held each year.

Is jenga a board game?

Not really. It's reviewed on most board game sites because it's a table-top game that's played by groups. Most consumers think of it as a kind of board game. There's no board to Jenga (see attached review). The same is true of other "board games" -- even a modern classic like Carcassonne has tiles and no board to speak of, but is definitely considered a board game.

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What is the world's most played game?

Board game? then the answer is Monopoly. Sport? then the answer is football (soccer)

What is the most fun board game?

a really fun board game is aggravation. its a marble game. so is apples to apples. it is a card game. so is whonuhu. that's a card game to. i hope that helps!

What is the most popular Board game in ancient Egypt?

they were sexy

What was the most popular board game of the1990's?

Trivial Pursuit

What is a board game that starts with h?

Hotels is a board game. History of the World is a board game.

What makes a game a board game?

yeah.... i guess its just that board game is a game played on a board, so thats why its called that