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dhaanish saqib and salekh

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Q: What is the most dangerous leopard's?
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Which mammal is the most dangerous not human?

I would say the large cats, leopards, cougar, panther, lion, tiger are by far the most dangerous animal group to individual humans. Most dangerous to the human species as a whole is the common rat for the diseases they carry and spread.

Are leopards vicious?

Yes, leopards are vicious in the sense that leopards are dangerous to humans; vicious in the sense of mean or evil, no. Leopards viciousness is part of their nature to ensure their survival by catching game for food.

Are leopards dangerous?

yes there are very dangerous they are good at stalking prey you wont even know they are there.Yes

What are most dengerous animals nad insects in Bolovian jungles?

The most dangerous animals and insects in Bolivian jungles are the lions, leopards and spiders, bee, scorpions respectively.

Are cloud leopards dangerous?

Yes! Clouded leopards have been in danger for about a year now. (:

What is the baboons most dangerous predator?

Humans are probably their biggest danger. Lions, hyenas and leopards also prey on baboons, particularly on young ones.

What is dangerous to cheetahs?

Lions, hyenas, leopards and African wild dogs are a threat primarily to cheetah cubs.

What is the most dangerus animal on earth?

mooses are dangerous and are the most agressive animals in the north :))One of it is lion but it's not as dangerous as a Mosquito! I know! Mosquitoes can kill u! They Are VERY dangerous PeterFoster111: Yes, the mosquito is the most dangerous. But, the most dangerous animal in the whole whide world besides the mosquito, is man.Last time I checked mosquitoes were classified as insects, not animals. And enough with the cliches about how "man" is the most dangerous animal - the person is simply asking which animals are the most dangerous. To answer this, I would base it off of the number of humans killed each year by the specific animals, so that would make snakes, crocodiles, elephants, hippos, and lions the most dangerous animals.Some of the most dangerous animals are elephants. really. They are large, fast and if you get stepped on by one, or charged, you are a goner. Also, wild cats like tigers and leopards are the most dangerous wild cats. Of course, there are more dangerous animals than these. Also, the Komodo Dragon is quite dangerous, but they are not common.

If you touch a snow leopards are you in dangerous?

no you are not interesting fact: there has never been a snow leopard who has attacked towards an human

How do most leopards die?

prey or people

What country has the most snow leopards?


Why are leopards dangerous to humans?

Leopards are carnivores - they eat meat. And people are meat. So a hungry leopard will consider attacking a person for food. Generally Leopards are scared of adult people, especially in groups, but they will attack a solitary child. Leopards hunt mainly at night, so walking alone in the bush after dark is unwise.