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Any religion that has intolerant believers.

There are good and bad people from any faith. Christians have committed horrible acts in the past, from wiping out entire villages so that "God can sort out the good people", to genocide.

Americans are inclined to point fingers at Islam, but just as most Christians are decent people, so are most Muslims.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

It is not accurate or fair to categorize religions as "dangerous." Extremist interpretations and actions by individuals or groups within any religion can lead to violence, but it is important to differentiate between the actions of extremists and the beliefs of the majority of followers within a religion. It is important to promote understanding, dialogue, and respect among different religious groups to foster peace and coexistence.

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9y ago

Answer 1:

The one that combines ignorance, violence, hate, and unwavering zeal.

Answer 2 By Unknown Source:

a) No religion is dangerous. Religion is a guideline for happiness only. Our misinterpretation is responsible for any negative results.

b) Ziyad in Kuran is between Mind and Body, and means thinking process.

c) Krishna witness Gamble between Pandva and Kaurav as Good vs. Bad.

d)Three cross represent Body,Speach and Mind.

E)Spider web means previous life memory.

f)Three devil in Macca same as above.

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This questions answered is religion dangerous?

I think it can be, it depends on from what sense you are talking about. Religion can be at the center of war, that's dangerous. Religion, no matter how messed up it is, is at the center of cults, which can be dangerous. Some religions utilize missionaries that go into third world countries, which is dangerous. Ignorance in religion can be equally dangerous for the eternal soul.

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The most concentrated religion in the world is in England or the USA. The religion is Christianity.

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The World's Most Dangerous Party was created in 1993.

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The ISBN of The World's Most Dangerous Places is 0060011602.

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The World's Most Dangerous Ideas was created in 2004.

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There are defiantly is not any "most radical religion" in the world

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The World's Most Dangerous Places has 1088 pages.

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