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The final track on Guitar Hero 3 - "Through The Fitre & Flames" by DragonForce.

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Q: What is the most difficult guitar hero or rock band song in existence so far?
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Can you use the rock band guitar drums and microphone for Guitar Hero or band hero?

guitar hero, yes, band hero, sometimes.

Can you play Guitar Hero with a guitar from rock band?

You can play Rock band with a guitar hero guitar, but you can't play Guitar Hero with a Rock Band guitar.

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All Guitar Hero Instrument are compatible with Band Hero.

Does Guitar Hero work with Rock Band on the WI?

The Guitar Hero guitar will work with Rock Band but the Rock Band guitar won't work with Guitar Hero. -Nate

Can you use Guitar Hero cymbals for band hero?

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yes. guitar hero instruments can be played in rock revolution, rock band, band hero and guitar hero so far.

Can you use band hero instruments to play the beatles rock band?

No, guitar hero works with band hero, but guitar hero and band hero do not work with rock band and vice versa

Can you use band hero guitar on guitar heroes 3?

No because Guitar Hero 3 is old... ish. Band Hero and Guitar Hero are also kinda different.

Can you use rock band wii guitars for Guitar Hero?

No, you can't use your Rock Band Wii guitar for guitar hero or vice versa. You can't use rock band guitars on guitar hero...but we use our wii guitar hero guitars for both rock band and of course guitar hero. You cannot switch out drum sets. We have had to buy both sets, rock band and guitar hero.

Are there new Guitar Hero?

YES.Dj hero guitar hero 5 and band hero

Can you play a Guitar Hero game with a Rock Band Guitar?

Unfortunately, no, a Rock Band guitar controller will not work for Guitar Hero games. However, a Guitar Hero guitar controller will work for Rock Band. You could also use the wire less Rock Band Guitar on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Can you play Rock Band songs on Guitar Hero?

No. Rock Band songs only work with Rock Band, and Guitar Hero songs only work with Guitar Hero.