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It depends on the level of Oxycodone or OxyContin you're taking, but if it's been that long and you're still dealing with residual pain, then you should take a look at Fentanyl patches.

Nucynta isn't much more effective than Oxycodone (straight or as a combo like Percocet) or OxyContin - it's at the same opiate level, and frankly if you were getting tolerant to Oxycodone, Nucynta probably isn't helping much, and frankly it's new enough that there's still debate on its overall effectiveness.

If you haven't done so, get another surgeon to do a full CT (not an MRI) on your fusion site to make sure it was done correctly; I'm living proof that you shouldn't trust what your doctor tells you. Your surgeon isn't going to tell you if he screwed up your procedure or not. If you didn't have full-blown herniations at C5/6/7, you really shouldn't be having that much pain, unless it's the Arthritis that's setting in. Most of the pain I have is due to those disks being flattened prior to my own fusion between those vertebrae, and I still have nerve damage 17 years later.

If you've considered Duragesic or generic Fentanyl patches before and ruled them out because you didn't want to get more dependent, you're only screwing yourself. The only regret I have about using patches is not listening to my doctor, and switching from OxyContin to Duragesic a much sooner.

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Q: What is the most effective painkiller for degenerative disc disease fusion of C5-C7 and psoriatic arthritis for which I took Oxycontin and oxycodone for over five years and now I am taking Nucynta?
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