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There is no proven cure for gout medicinal or otherwise. If there were there would be a lot of very Happy people.

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Q: What is the most effective proven non-medicinal cure for gout?
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Related questions

Does dexamethsone cure gout?

There is no cure for gout.

What are presciption drug to prevent gout?

Currently, there is no cure for gout. If you have been prescribed medicines for gout, it is important that you take those medicines as instructed to prevent future attacks. And making changes in your diet is also an effective way to deal with gout.

Can you cure Gout?

You can not cure guot.

What grocery items will cure gout?

Gout is considered a chronic illness that has no known cure.

What are some natural gout treatments?

Natural remedies for gout are available however not all are effective on every person. These include vitamin C, cherry juice, and fresh fruits. Eating fresh fruits has proven to be the most effective since it is readily available and is full of nutrients and fiber.

What is ken's gout cure?

It is just an article about another website promoting gout treatment

Does drinking baking soda help cure gout?


Can apple green and celery cure gout?

Celery oil is used as an alternative treatment for gout. However it is hard to find anything more then evidence that it is effective by any one but those that sell the oil. It would seem that the only way to find out if it works for you is to test it on yourself.

What is a cure for gout?

There is no cure. Treatment with drugs, usually colchchine, and diet. Gout is caused by a build up of uric acid. Dietary restrictions include wild game , heavy sauces and gravies. Henry VIII suffered from gout due to unrelenting overindulgence in food and drink.

What are the benefits of tawa tawa?

it can cure dengue fever, lessen hypertension, backaches and gout

How can someone treat and cure their gout?

To treat and cure gout a person should monitor their diet and stay off of their feet, they should consume lots of apple cider vinegar and applying water and baking soda to the affected gouty area.

Can sleep apnea cause gout?

No it doesnt cause this complaint. There is no pathological nor epidemiological evidence that shows sleep apnea alone causes gout and the cure of sleep apnea is the cure for gout. The Sleep journal provides a great disservice to the public, especially to the gouties, by publishing such a misleading and fraudulent medical claims in the Letter.