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Exercise has been linked to aiding people with depression. In addition, spending time with people (e.g. family and friends) is also important in moderating depression.

Look for the love and the comfort in God; so you will be able to overcome your problems of depression...

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Q: What is the most effective treatment for depression without using medication?
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The best and most effective anxiety treatment is to avoid medication and seek to identify the causes of the anxiety themselves. Often with a change in diet, habit and lifestyle, anxiety will subside without side-effect.

How do you cure mind depression without taking tablets?

There is no cure for either Depression or Bipolar Disorder, either with or without medication, the best one can hope for with either condition is to manage it. A small number of people can manage their condition for significant periods without medication, but it is risky.

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The most effective treatment for ADHD is a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Using both of these therapies ensures proper treatment of the specific cause of ADHD for each individual. There are stimulant and non-stimulant options for the medication therapies.

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There are no medications without side effects. Anything you take into your body will affects your whole body. This is why side effects occur. The medication not only affects the thing that is wrong, but also the rest of you.

What treatments are available for depression?

Psychotherapy (especially cognitive-behavioral therapy of CBT) with or without antidepressant medication is the most common and most effective treatment of depressive episodes. For refractory depression, combination medication therapies are sometimes needed. For refractory and severe, treatment-resistant depression, accompanied by unremitting suicidal thoughts, ECT is sometimes used and can be lifesaving. Nowadays, ECT is only performed under anesthesia in hospital post-op recovery rooms.

What medicine treats both anxiety and depression?

Effective hormonal and natural treatment options to combat anxiety and depression without the use of antidepressants or when antidepressants and standard therapies are not effective.Natural prescription serotonin can be effective for anxiety and depression and is not associated with the side effects of antidepressants, including loss of libido, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia or cognitive dysfunction.

Can depression be treated without medication?

Any medication that is intended to treat depression is called an anti-depressant, and there are lots of anti-depressants. If you need one, your doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe one for you.

How do you defeat depression?

The best treatment for depression is medication plus therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one method that teaches you how to retrain your thinking habits. You unlearn old coping skills and learn new, healthier skills instead. Many people find that with medicine plus therapy, their depression is totally under control.

Can Schizophrenia be cured completely?

The evidence suggests that people with schizophrenia are probably not cured without the use of medication. People with schizophrenia may improve over time, even without medication. However, do not confuse this with being cured.

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Antibiotic treatment is effective. However, up to 25% of those who have contracted the disease can die without treatment.

Is there any treatment for anhedonia?

Anhedonia, which can exist without showing any symptoms, has treatment, which includes medication and natural remedies such as antidepressants and doing yoga.

How do you fix a depression patient without antipsychotic drugs?

Actually antipsychotics are usually unnecessary for the treatment of depression, unless psychotic features are present. Antidepressants are normally used.