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Light bulbs in order of the least to most energy efficient : incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED. For home owners, most reasonable is the CFL lightbulb, which is cheaper and longer lasting than the LED.

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Q: What is the most energy efficient light bulb?
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What light bulb is most energy efficient and why?

edunno soz

What is the least efficient kind of light bulb?

It is the Incandescent light bulb. Most of the energy are lost as heat

Is compact fluorescent light the best energy saving bulb?

No, the most energy efficient bulbs are LED (Light Emitting Diode) light bulbs.

What is most of the energy produced by a light bulb?

Most of the energy in a light bulb is heat energy.

What is most energy efficient led lamps or bulbs?

The most efficient outdoor light bulb would the 5 watt Light emitting Diode light bulb also know as the LED bulb. They are small lights with miniature sockets or made to fit into conventional sockets.

Which is the most energy efficient light source?

LEDs are the most energy-efficient lights as of 2016.

What is the most efficient kind of light bulb available to people?

I think LED

Which Lighting will be the most energy efficient?

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are pretty energy efficient and are energy star rated.

How does a light bulb make heat?

The electrical energy input which is meant to turn the lights on is not 100% used (since no machine is 100% efficient.) Most of this energy is wasted as heat energy.If a substance reaches a certain temperature it gives off light and heat. When a filament light bulb reaches that temperature, it gives off both light and heat

Which among the following is most energy efficient incandescent build fluorescent tube compact fluorescent light bulb halogen bulb?

Incandescent produces about 10 lumens of light per watt of electricity Halogen produces about 13 lumens per watt Fluorescent and CFL produce about 50 lumens per watt So Fluorescent is the most efficient.

What are the most energy efficient light fixtures for my dining room?

The most energy efficient lighing is florescent lighting; it takes less power and energy to turn on. CFL lightbulbs are also very energy efficient and would save a lot of money. They will have an energy saver sign on the box if you are not sure. A fixture that has an energy star approved logo on the item would be the most efficient and use the least amount of energy possible. Also using energy efficient light bulbs will improve the efficiency.

How do you know a light bulb transforms 100 percent of its electricity into light?

You don't. A light bulb transforms only a fraction of its energy into light, and most of it into heat. For an incandescent bulb about 3% is transformed into light, while for a compact fluorescent (low-energy light) about 15% is transformed into light.