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the end part where son comes back to life when the father does his last wish

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Q: What is the most exciting part in the monkey's paw story?
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What part of the story is most exciting?

You are speaking about the climax of the story.

What part does climax play in a story?

The high point. The most exciting part.

What is the climax in writing?

I think it is the most important part of the writing. The Climax is the point in the story where the main character's point of view changes, or the most exciting/action filled part of the story.

What is the most exciting part of a story called?

You are speaking about the climax of the story.

What is the Climax in the part of a story?

The climax is the turning point in a story where the main character faces the biggest conflict or challenge that leads to the most intense and dramatic moment. It is the moment of highest tension and often determines the outcome of the story.

Examples of Climax Figure of speech?

In a story, the climax is where all of the action comes to a head. It is usually the most exciting part of the story, and most everything that comes afterward is falling action that moves the story toward a conclusion.

What is the name for the most exciting part of a play?

The climax is the most exciting part of a play. It is the moment when the conflict reaches its peak and the outcome is decided.

What is a bang beginning of a story?

"Starting with a bang" means starting your story in an exciting part, in the middle of the action.

Can climax be at the start of a story writing?

No, you don't want to start your story at the most exciting part. You want to build up the tension until you hit the climax, then wrap things up for the end of the story.

What 's the climax?

the most exciting part of something

Federico's falcon climax?

When the conflict of the plot is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story, When the hero saves the princess, discovers the buried treasure, or slays the dragon.

What page is the climax on?

depends how many pages your book has but if it has 200 pages its from 100-125 pages<> the climax is the most exciting part in a book if you didnt know most exciting/ emotional part