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Working in the oil buisness.

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Q: What is the most high paying job for a mechanical engineer?
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cisco networking, routing and switching telecom engineer network engineer network configuration

What schooling do you need to be a mechanical engineer?

Math and science will get you most any job as an engineer.

What does a mechanical engineer do on a ship?

Mechanical engineering. Most likely this will largely take the form of maintaining the engines.

What is most important question for interview mechanical engineer?

How induction motor starts

Difference between a mechanical engineer and an automotive engineer?

No. automobile engineering and mechanical engineering r different. Mech. engg. deals with overall study of production engineering, designe engineering, automobile engineering, thermal engineeringand many other topic. Automobile engineering can be considered as a specific branch which deals with the topics specific to automobile engineering.

What fields are offering the most entry level jobs?

According to Forbes, the best paying entry level jobs are software engineer, sales representative, electrical engineer, quality engineer, physical therapist, occupational therapist, systems engineer, and network engineer.

What is the most interesting task an engineer performs?

Depends on what type of engineer. Electrical, electronic, aeronautical, marine, civil, mechanical, chemical, etc. I am an explosives engineer- I get to remove old buildings, old bridges, and mountains.

Who was the first mechanical engineer?

Archimedes. He invented countless things that you can see from the link. I'm sure there were earlier mechanical engineers, but he was the most prolific of the early guys.

Who is the world's most famous mechanical engineer?

the person who learn auto cad & programmes frequently . BLESS LIFE

How to Get Engineer Jobs?

One of the most consistently sought after professions are engineers. While this field can contain a variety of specialties including civil engineers, mechanical engineers, and bio medical engineers, finding a good and high paying job is normally easier than in other professions. While economic conditions have made it a bit more challenging, there are several things an engineer could do to find jobs in their field. One thing that an engineer could do to find engineer jobs would be to join a professional association in their area. Like most other professions, there are a variety of professional associations for engineers. By joining one of these associations and taking advantage of the services and seminars, an engineer will have instant access to many networking opportunities and job boards which are not available to the general public.

How much money does a mechanical engineer earn in the Ireland?

depends on experience, relevant education, and the industry. On the low end, straight out of school and with no experience, about €52,000 to €60,000, depending on industry (an automotive design engineer does not make as much as an aerospace or robotics design engineer does, for example). With education and some experience, that can be as high as €75,000, again, depending on industry. With plenty of experience or a position in management, that can be anywhere between €90,000 and €120,000, regardless of industry. Most likely, the average yearly salary for a mechanical engineer in Ireland is somewhere in the lower €70k range.

What qualifications do mechanical engineers need?

Most businesses hiring mechanical engineers want applicants with at least a BS in mechanical engineering and an EIT (Engineer in Training) certificate or preferably a PE (Professional Engineer) certificate.