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Q: What is the most important invention in human history?
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WHAT was history's most important invention?

The Wheel

What do you think is the worlds MOST important invention?

1. the invention of computers 2. the invention of human kind 3. the invention of inventing!

Why was the wheel history's most important invention?

So they can move heavy items

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The steam generator was one of the most important invention in history. This invention turns high steam or water vapor into energy by using a generator.

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laptop portability is the most important invention

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Because it was the most important event in human history.

Why is the gps the most important invention of all time?

While GPS is helpful it is not the most important invention of all time. Some would say computers are the most important invention of all time. However what powers both of these things? Electricity seems to be the most important invention of all time.

What as the most important invention that was in World War 2?

The most important invention in world war 2 was the atomic bomb.

What is the most ancient human Invention?

The wheel !

Are computers the most significant invention in history?

Well, no. How about lighting fire, the wheel, the printing press, ways of storing and moving water, to name a few? Computers are a great invention, which transforms human lives, but I think they are not the most significant one.