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Positive 1 charge

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Q: What is the most likely charge on an ion formed by an element with a valence electron configuration of ns 1?
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What is the most likely charge on an ion formed by an element with a valence electron configuration of ns2 np4?

it would be probably 2-.

When an element loses an electron what happens to the charge of the element?

When "x" valence electrons are lost the charge is +x When "x" valence electrons are gained the charge is -x for example, if chlorine gained one electron, the charge would be Cl 1- or, if magnesium lost two electrons, the charge would be Mg 2+

Why does Li have a 0 charge?

Lithium does not have a '0' charge. Its electron configuration is 2,1. This means there is one valence electron in its outer shell. Losing this electron will make Lithium have a full shell (2 only) which all atoms try to achieve, therefore Li has a +1 charge because it loses an electron to gain noble gas configuration.

What element has 2 shells and 3 valence electrons?

First of, Valence electron ground state is the number at the end of a Electron configuration in period 2 which goes across (from left to right) you see that each element has 2 numbers on the electron configuration ex Li 2-1 Be 2-2 B 2-3 C 2-4 notice that the ground state (which is the last number is in the secoond shell (I THINK)

Which group of the periodic table is likely to form ions with a positive 1 charge?

Group one elements have one valence electron. In order to achieve a "happy" electron configuration, they try to lose this valence electron. Electrons have a negative charge, so once they lose this electron, they have a +1 charge.

What element has a full valence shell with electrons?

Helium. (A hydride ion has the same electronic configuration, but hydride is not an element since it has a net electric charge.)

What ions does not have a noble gas electron configuration S-2 Sr 2 I- Cs or Be 3?

Cs does not have a nobel gas electron configuration, as it contains one valence electron in its outermost s orbital. Be3+ also does have a nobel gas electron configuration, as this occurs when Be has a 2+ charge (the typical Be ion is Be2+).

What is the charge of samarium?

The atoms of the element samarium (atomic number 62) have the electron configuration [Xe] 4f6 6s2

What will be the charge for cl when it becomes ions?

Chlorine has 7 valence electrons. So it gains an electron to get noble gas configuration. Therefor Cl makes ions with a charge of -1.

Electron arrangement that gives an atom stability?

An anion is an ion that has a negative charge. It is formed when valence electrons are added to the outer energy level. It is giving the ion a stable electron configuration.

Why do isotopes of the same element have same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number and configuration of its electrons, which depends on the size of the charge of the atom's nucleus. The charge is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes of a given element differ only in the number of neutrons, which do not have a charge and thus do not affect the electron configuration.

Why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number and configuration of its electrons, which depends on the size of the charge of the atom's nucleus. The charge is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes of a given element differ only in the number of neutrons, which do not have a charge and thus do not affect the electron configuration.