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proliferation of radio active nuclear waste For US nuclear power plants, this answer is incorrect. The high level waste, which is the spent fuel rods, are under tight control and are kept cool and protected as they decay. The likelyhood of their contribution to a disaster is quite low. The above answer used the word "proliferation", which is associated with countries or groups who do not have nuclear weapons somehow gaining the knowledge and technology. Spent fuel is a poor source for weapons grade nuclear material due to the high levels of radioactivity, which make working with the material a deadly job, and the fact that the plutonium in the spent fuel is not weapons grade. Proliferation is not a likely danger. The most likely disaster is a steam leak which can burn the operators or a coolant leak from the primary plant. Neither of these events constitute a "disaster". Nuclear power plants are much more fearful when Hollywood designs them than the real things are. == ==

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4mo ago

The most likely disaster in a nuclear power plant is a loss of coolant accident, where there is a failure in the cooling system leading to overheating of the reactor core. This can result in a meltdown and release of radioactive materials. Containment breaches and fuel rod fires are other potential disasters in a nuclear power plant.

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Q: What is the most likely disaster in a nuclear power plant?
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The disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine on April 26, 1986.

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