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There is a lady in the U.K. that holds the record at 720

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16y ago
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13y ago

Well, the woman with the most piercings is Elaine Davidson, she has 720 piercings! :)

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Q: What is the most piercings on a human?
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Does a corset piercings hurt?

Yes, it hurts more than most piercings do.

What is the most popular piercing for women?

The most popular piercing for females is either lobe piercings or, in recent times, navel piercings.

How many piercing can you have on the human body?

It's an unlimited number. The most piercings on record on one person at the moment is 6,005. Yes, six thousand and five.

Do lip piercing become infected easily?

Actually, no. Oral piercings are among the piercings that rarely get infected; that is, if they are taken care of properly. The piercings that are the most prone to infection are the navel and ear cartilage piercings.

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Lobe piercings.

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Can you have piercings or tattoos as a radiologist tech?

you can have piercings and/or tattoos in most any job, but to be respected as a professional it is a good idea to remove your piercings and cover your tattoos while at work

The most pierced woman in the world as of 2001 has how many piercings?

Elaine Davidson Aug. 9 2001 720 piercings

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No you are not allowed to have body piercings according to most military regulations. It obstructs the wear of the uniform.

Are nipple piercings attractive?

well to most people, no

What are most common piercings for females?

Obviously, the first most common is ear piercing for earrings and, my guess for number two would be tiny piercings in the nose for small jewelry

What is the most taboo body jewelry in the United States?

Typically, the body jewelry considered the most taboo are the piercings of the genitals - the Prince Albert and Labret for men and the clitoral or labial piercings for women. Since these piercings are not immediately visible when the owner is clothed, however, they are easier to conceal. Discussion of these piercings in polite company i soften frowned upon.