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Ishtar, goddess of war and love.

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Q: What is the most popular ancient Mesopotamian goddess' name?
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Who was the most powerful goddess of ancient Egypt Why?

The most popular goddesses in Ancient Egypt were -Isis -Hathor -Bastet

Where was Ishtar's temple?

Ishtar's temple, also known as Eanna, was located in the ancient city of Uruk in Mesopotamia, which is present-day Iraq. It was one of the most significant religious centers in the region dedicated to the goddess Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of love, fertility, and war.

Who is the most popular goddess in greek mythology?

the most popular is probably Zeus's wife, Hera, or Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt.

When was Athena the Greek goddess most popular in Greek mythology?

As often as you hear her name in Greek mythology, she WAS NOT the most popular goddess, it was Hera. Athena was ONE of the famous goddess, but not the MOST popular. Out of all the Greek gods and goddesses, Zeus was the most famous.

Who is the most ancient Goddess in written history?

While archaeological evidence is always being uncovered, as of right now I believe the most ancient goddess is Inana of the Sumerian religion.

What is the ancient greek goddess of corn?

The goddess who was most likely to be the goddess of corn is Demeter because she was the goddess of harvest and the godess of grain so corn has something to do with it.

Most popular goddess?

I would say Aphrodite. I mean, who doesnt love the Goddess of Love?

In Ancient Greece oaths sworn to which goddess were considered most binding?

In Ancient Greece, oaths sworn to Gaia; the embodiment of Earth as well as the goddess of dreams, motherhood and nature; was considered to be the most binding.

What are quotes of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite?

"The most awful and wondrous goddess of all pertains to my most beautiful twin sister, Kelly of Wooldridge."

What insect was a popular pet in ancient china?

crickets were the most popular pets in ancient china

Who was the most popular pharaoh in the ancient Egyptian times?

King Tutankhamen was the most popular Pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian times, and the youngest.

What was the most popular pet ancient Egypt?

The most popular pet in egypt are cats