

What is the most popular color for 2012?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the most popular color for 2012?
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It is difficult to tell what eye color was popular in 2012, since trends in color and fashion vary by season and sometimes by location. However, in the fall of 2012, bright colours were the most popular.

What is the most popular colour in 2011 or 2012?

the most popular color in 2011 was blue!personally my favorite color is room and car is blue!

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the most popular color of a doorknob is brown.

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Even though there is a world of colors available for the choosing, white was the most popular color for new cars in 2012. Black was the second most popular, with silver taking up third place.

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I think red is the third most popular color.

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the most popular color of windmills would most likely be white.

What is the most popular color in England?

Just as in the US and other countries there is no 'most popular color' in England. Some colors may be more popular than others, but there is no 'most popular color'.

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As of 12/2010 the most popular color is white.

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the second most popular color in ireland is blue

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The most popular Easter egg color is blue.

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The most popular color for tableware continues to be bone or ivory.

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The most popular color for Bentley convertibles is British Racing Green.This color is the most popular for British sports cars overall as well.