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Q: What is the most popular school supply in the past year?
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What is the past participle of supply?

Supplied is the past participle of supply.

What is the past tense of supply?

The past tense of "supply" is "supplied."

What is the most popular past time in Finland?

Drinking alcoholic bewerages.

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In what tense should you write a novel?

Past tense, third person, is the most popular and the easiest, least distracting for most people. Most popular books are written in past tense, so follow suit would probably be prudent.

What kind of robots did they have back in the past?

They had robots that ran on gears and pullies, power supply was steam (most likely)

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As the world turns, Days of our lives, All my children.

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The most popular Zelda game is A Link to the Past, that's why they are makeing a sequel: A Link to the Past 2, but The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the most played.

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What were the most popular sports in France in the past?

Popular sports in France's past are 99% identical to the ones that are popular now: A. Soccer (football); B. Cycling; C. Formula 1 auto racing and all types of car racing; D. Tennis

What is the most popular computer game of 2009?

World of Warcraft is the most popular "computer" video game at the moment with over 12million subscribers at the moment and over the past 5 years

Can supply create its own demand?

Yes demand can create its own supply, the Keynesian economist view believed this. Markets will always try to meet demands because they want to gain the most they can from it therefore will create a supply to match demand.