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Q: What is the most significant biological contribution do a male and a female to an offspring?
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What combinations of sex chromosomes produces a female?

It is the father's contribution that determines the sex of the offspring. Of the XX and XY pairs that determine sex, the mother always contributes an X. If the father contributes an X as well, the offspring is female. If the father contributes a Y, the offspring is male.

What would The combination for female offspring be?

The combination of a female offspring would be XX

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They are the offspring of female horses and male donkeys.

Why are human population 50percent male and 50 female?

The biological process of sexual reproduction requires the contribution of genetic material from both males and females in order to produce offspring. This leads to an approximately equal distribution of males and females within a population. This balance is also thought to be evolutionarily advantageous for the survival and reproduction of a species.

What percentage of the offspring is female?

50% of the offspring are female. Gender determination in offspring is typically governed by a 50/50 chance.

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What is approximate probability that a human offspring will be female?

50%, or half. Therefore, there is an equal chance that the offspring will be female.

Which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is male or female in humans?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

Gender of and masculine feminine of offspring?

The noun 'offspring' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.The gender specific noun for a male offspring is a male.The gender specific noun for a female offspring is a female.

What percentage of offspring is female?


What are your female offspring called?


The combination for female offspring is?
