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Q: What is the most significant contribution of Odysseus to the Trojan War?
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How successful a leader do you think Odysseus was of his men?

Well Odysseus was the General. He also helped the Greeks rescue Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, from Troy. That was the Trojan war, how do I put this, Odysseus helped the Greeks win the Trojan War. So yes I think he is a good leader.

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Hero of Trojan war?

Greeks:Achilles; Ajax;Menelaus; Agamemnon;Odysseus; Telemachus;Patroclus; Diomedes;Trojans:Hector; Paris;Priam; Laocoon; AeneasFor a solid background of what happened in the Trojan War, you may want to read:The Iliad and the The Odyssey by Homer.Achilles and Odysseus are credited as the most famous and main heroes of the Trojan War.

What makes Odysseus special in the story?

Odysseus was a strong and handsome man, he was most famous for his great leadership in The Trojan War. i think he was also the leader against another Athens and Sparta war. But Odysseus lost.

Why is Odysseus known as the hero of the Trojan War?

Odysseus is known for his cunning and mediation skills. On a few occasions he comes up with compromises when the kings argue over a course of action. Most notably, he is credited for the idea of the Trojan horse, which leads to the fall of Troy.

What was Hammurabi's most significant contribution to his society?

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What is significant about the Trojan war?

the Trojan war was the fight over Helen, the most beautiful woman on earth. it was Greeks vs. trojans to see who wins her.

What is Odysseus famous for?

Odysseus is famous for fighting in the Trojan War. He was a Greek champion and he was the main character in Homer's Odyssey, so most know him from that. He's also mentioned in The Iliad and Aenid.

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Did Odysseus die during the Trojan war?

No. Odysseus did not die during the Trojan War. Instead, it took him 10 years to get home after the war ended. The journey should have taken two weeks at the most. In fact, it could have been done in a few days, but then there would have been no story.