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Q: What is the movement of Earth's continents relative to each other due to plate tectonics. Wegener stated that Earth's continents were once joined in a supercontinent Pangaea and broke apart about 200?
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What happened because of plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics result in changes in the relative positions of continents over time, volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building.

Evidences to prove continental drift?

Continental drift is the process of slow movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other over geological time. The evidence for continental drift comes from a variety of sources including: Paleomagnetism: Measurements of the Earth's magnetic field in rocks show that the field has changed over time. This change is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field would have been different when the continents were in different positions. Fossils: The presence of similar fossils on different continents is evidence for continental drift. For example, fossilized plants and animals found in South America and Africa are very similar, suggesting that the continents were once connected. Geology: Rocks that are found on different continents often have similar characteristics, indicating that the continents were once connected. For example, the Appalachian Mountains in North America are geologically similar to the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland, suggesting that the two continents were once connected. Plate Tectonics: Plate tectonics is a theory that explains the movement of the Earth's plates, which are large pieces of the Earth's crust. This theory is based on the idea of continental drift, as the movement of the plates is responsible for the changing locations of the continents. Sea Floor Spreading: Sea floor spreading is the process by which new material is added to the Earth's oceanic crust. This process is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the new material would have been formed as the continents moved apart. Glaciation: The presence of glacial deposits in areas that are now far from the poles is evidence for continental drift, as the locations of the continents would have been different when the glaciers were present. Human Migration: Human migration patterns can be used to determine the movement of the continents. For example, the presence of Native American DNA in Asia suggests that the continents were once connected.

What are the relative importances of diastropism and volcanism in the production of earthquakes?

Large-scale deformation of the Earth's by natural processes, which leads to the formation of continents and ocean basins, mountain systems and rift valleys, and other features by mechanisms such as lithospheric plate movement (see, volcanic loading, or folding. The study of diastrophism, or tectonic processes, is the central unifying principle in modern geology and geophysics. Kalra

What effect does subduction and sea floor spreading have on the earth's surface?

It allows the continents to move relative to each other.

Difference between joint and fault?

joint does not show any relative movement as fault does

Related questions

What happened because of plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics result in changes in the relative positions of continents over time, volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building.

What is continental drift in own words?

Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other.

What do geographers believe caused pangaea to split into seven continents?

When the idea of Pangaea was created, continental drift, which is the movement of continents relative to each other across the ocean bed, was used to explain the separation of landmasses. However, the prevailing theory of how Pangaea was split into separate continents is explained with plate tectonics. This newer theory takes seismic activity into account and also utilizes data collected from seismologic stations.

What do geographers think about Pangaea?

When the idea of Pangaea was created, continental drift, which is the movement of continents relative to each other across the ocean bed, was used to explain the separation of landmasses. However, the prevailing theory of how Pangaea was split into separate continents is explained with plate tectonics. This newer theory takes seismic activity into account and also utilizes data collected from seismologic stations.

Were in the us is there evidence that continents moving relative to one another?

Measurable evidence that continents are moving relative to each other are the west coast of California and Hawaii.

How can you define plate tectonics not plate tectonics theory?

But plate tectonics is the theory which suggests that the Earth's crust is made up of solid plates moving relative to each other. Plate tectonics and the plate tectonics theory aren't really two separate things. However plates are pieces of the Earth's crust which are moving.

What are the theories of the continental drift?

Continental drift is the movement of the earth's continents across the ocean's bed relative to one another. There is no disadvantage as such of this theory however it has certain weaknesses. One of the weakness is that people could not explain the forces that caused these continents to move such great distances.

What is continental drift?

Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other. The hypothesis that continents 'drift' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596 and was fully developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912. However, it was not until the development of the theory of plate tectonics in the 1960s, that a sufficient geological explanation of that movement was found. Continental drift referred to the concept that the Earth's continents were once part of a large supercontinent and had subsequently split apart and arrived at their present destinations. Continental drift theory has been replaced by the science of plate tectonics, an all inclusive explanation of the process of continent movements, crust creation, lithologies, subduction, the rock cycle, and so on. The engine behind plate tectonics is heat from the interior of the Earth. This heat is a combination of heat from radioactive decay, remnant heat from Earth's formation process, and crushing pressures from its mass. Heat rises through the mantle outward toward Earth's surface. In a layer of the upper mantle known as the asthenosphere, the solid rock is plastic-like, enough so that the rock slowly flows in a current. The current rises to reach its maximum height at a weakness in the hard uppermost mantle with attached crust known as the lithosphere. At these points, the hot mantle rocks melt from the lowering of lithostatic pressure and rises to form new crust at the mid-ocean ridges. As new material is added at the ridges, the tectonic plates on either side move apart. Over time this causes the continents located on the plates to "drift' apart. At the other end of the current, older, denser crust is being pushed under less dense crustal plates and less dense oceanic plates, in a downward trajectory toward the mantle, where it melts and gradually becomes part of the mantle rock once again. The Pacific Ocean is gradually shrinking due to the subduction of its boundaries in an area known as the Ring of Fire. One day it will cease to exist, and once again there will exist a supercontinent.

Is it possible to find the absolute location or the relative location of the seven continents?

It is possible to find the relative location.

Evidences to prove continental drift?

Continental drift is the process of slow movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other over geological time. The evidence for continental drift comes from a variety of sources including: Paleomagnetism: Measurements of the Earth's magnetic field in rocks show that the field has changed over time. This change is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field would have been different when the continents were in different positions. Fossils: The presence of similar fossils on different continents is evidence for continental drift. For example, fossilized plants and animals found in South America and Africa are very similar, suggesting that the continents were once connected. Geology: Rocks that are found on different continents often have similar characteristics, indicating that the continents were once connected. For example, the Appalachian Mountains in North America are geologically similar to the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland, suggesting that the two continents were once connected. Plate Tectonics: Plate tectonics is a theory that explains the movement of the Earth's plates, which are large pieces of the Earth's crust. This theory is based on the idea of continental drift, as the movement of the plates is responsible for the changing locations of the continents. Sea Floor Spreading: Sea floor spreading is the process by which new material is added to the Earth's oceanic crust. This process is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the new material would have been formed as the continents moved apart. Glaciation: The presence of glacial deposits in areas that are now far from the poles is evidence for continental drift, as the locations of the continents would have been different when the glaciers were present. Human Migration: Human migration patterns can be used to determine the movement of the continents. For example, the presence of Native American DNA in Asia suggests that the continents were once connected.

Describe continental drift theory?

continents move about as plates of crust and upper mantle, on more mobile layer of asthenophere in the mantle. Movement driven by mantle convection and isostasy. Bumps between continents = mountain chains bump continental with oceanic = island arc vocanoes and subduction of oceanic plate

In physics what is motion?

motion is movement relative to another frame of reference ie snooker ball relative to table moon relative to earth