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Every member of the solar system revolves around some other member in an elliptical orbit.

From time to time, other bodies ... such as non-periodic comets for example ... pass through

the solar system and continue on their way. Those are not members of the solar system,

just visitors.

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The movement of the bodies in the solar system are called Orbits.

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13y ago

Planets. In Order from closest to the sun from the furtherest there is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Juptier, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and ,the only dwarf planet in our solar system, Pluto.

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Q: What is the movement of the bodies in the solar system?
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The eight planets of our system are not considered small solar system bodies, to qualify as a planet in the first place means that they have to be quite large. Small solar system bodies are such things as comets, asteroids, meterorids, moons or minor planets.

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