

What is the movement of the platypus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Platypuses spend most of their waking hours swimming and diving for food. They walk on land, and shelter in burrows they dig in riverbanks. They do not migrate, but control their own specific territory.

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The platypus is a quadriped. On land, it walks on all fours. In water, the platypus propels itself with a broad, flat, beaver-like tail.

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a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

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a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is the binomial name for the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinusThe original name was Platypus anatinus, from Greek and Latin words meaning "flat-footed, duck-like". After realising that the name "platypus" had already be given to a group of beetles, the scientist involved assigned the platypus the scientific name of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the first word of which means "bird-like snout".

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No. The platypus is not a hoarder.

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A Platypus is not a primate.

What else can a platypus be called?

The platypus should not be called anything else. It is just a platypus. It is not a duckbilled platypus, or any other such misnomer.

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The platypus is called the platypus wherever one happens to be in Australia.

How do electroreceptors help the platypus?

The platypus uses the electroreceptors in its bill to find food. It closes its eyes when underwater, and uses its bill to detect movements. Equipped with electroreceptors, the sensitive bill can sense electrical impulses, even the tiniest of movements made by underwater crustaceans.

What is the wait of a platypus?

Waiting for a platypus? haha