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Through porous rock mostly. Also through caves and cracks in the rock.

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Q: Why does water move into the ground to create groundwater?
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Does groundwater flow faster than surface water?

I believe that surface water flows faster because the water does not have to travel through the tiny pores in the rocks like ground water does. Also, ground water is affected my pressure and permeability. Also depends on the slope of the land, the ground water in some regions may move faster than groundwater if its slope is steeper. The velocity of groundwater is controlled by the hydraulic gradient (i) of the water table or potentiometric surface, the effective Porosity (Ne) of soil or rock, and the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the medium water passes through. This is expressed in the equation V = Ki/Ne (Hudak, 2000). In general, the porosity of an aquifer (amount of interconnected pore spaces) and the hydraulic conductivity (ability of a substance to transmit water) are the main factors that result in differences between groundwater and surface water velocity when the hydraulic gradient (slope) is relatively similar. As the conductivity an aquifer decreases, the the velocity decreases and the gap between groundwater and surface water speed increases. This is reffered to a laminear flow (Hudak, 2000) In karst Aquifers where dissolution caverns are formed, conditions can mimic those of surface water, resulting in turbulent flow that can match river velocity.

How does ground water move?

it goes through aqifiers

What word descibes when water soaks into the ground?

It is called percolation of water. The water molecules enter the soil and move downward by gravitational force. This is how the ground water table is recharged with water.

Does water collect and move under earths surface?

yes! its called groundwater. its funny, cause we're learning 'bout this so this better be right!?! we really haven't started on this topic yet, but.......

How does water move from earth to air and back again?

Water moves into the air through the process of evaporation. Water moves from the air the ground by the process of raining.

Related questions

How does groundwater move through the lithosphere?

There are big grinders that grind up water and you get ground water. That is what happened in New Orleans they lost their power and they couldn't grind the water into ground water so it flooded.

What are springs?

A Spring is a flow of groundwater that emerges naturally at the ground surface. A spring forms when an aquitard blocks downward movement of groundwater and forces it to move laterally.

How does a plant move water from the ground?

plant move water from the ground by its roots

How does water move from the oceans into groundwater?

Well the water cycle is: 1. Evaporation 2. Condenstation 3. Precipitation 4. Groundwater 5. Runoff 6. Transportation then it starts all over

How does water move the oceans into groundwater?

Well the water cycle is: 1. Evaporation 2. Condenstation 3. Precipitation 4. Groundwater 5. Runoff 6. Transportation then it starts all over

What is the importance of gravity in the movement of water the water cycle?

G ravity may move the water downward through spaces in rock or soil, where the water becomes groundwater

What is the gravity in the movement of the water through the water cycle?

G ravity may move the water downward through spaces in rock or soil, where the water becomes groundwater

Is gravity important to the water cycle?

G ravity may move the water downward through spaces in rock or soil, where the water becomes groundwater

Does groundwater flow faster than surface water?

I believe that surface water flows faster because the water does not have to travel through the tiny pores in the rocks like ground water does. Also, ground water is affected my pressure and permeability. Also depends on the slope of the land, the ground water in some regions may move faster than groundwater if its slope is steeper. The velocity of groundwater is controlled by the hydraulic gradient (i) of the water table or potentiometric surface, the effective Porosity (Ne) of soil or rock, and the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the medium water passes through. This is expressed in the equation V = Ki/Ne (Hudak, 2000). In general, the porosity of an aquifer (amount of interconnected pore spaces) and the hydraulic conductivity (ability of a substance to transmit water) are the main factors that result in differences between groundwater and surface water velocity when the hydraulic gradient (slope) is relatively similar. As the conductivity an aquifer decreases, the the velocity decreases and the gap between groundwater and surface water speed increases. This is reffered to a laminear flow (Hudak, 2000) In karst Aquifers where dissolution caverns are formed, conditions can mimic those of surface water, resulting in turbulent flow that can match river velocity.

How does ground water move?

it goes through aqifiers

What are springs and how does water move move through underground layers of soil and rock?

Springs: This is groundwater that emerges at the surface from deep underground. Immense pressure combined with the structure of the local geology forces the water to the surface.

What are plants that don't move called?

ground water plants.