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Q: What is the movie that the play a trick on there friend and end up killing her?
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What movie did Ozzy Osbourne play a small part as a preacher during a funeral?

Trick or Treat (1986).

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can.... play a board game, play cards, go to a movie or watch a movie, talk with a friend, hang out, take a nap, look out your window, have a play date and ask your friend. I don't know be creative

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The trick is to play your best in every game you play

What is the sentence for 'to play a trick'?

Joe played a trick on Samantha. The class played a trick on the teacher. Let's play a trick on Dad! Kids, no playing tricks on the neighbors!

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The movie was called He Got Game.

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When you have a friend over you could either sit and talk and eat munchies or, watch a good movie or play video games.

What movie was where a group of teenagers go out with a fake dead friend to play a mean joke on another friend and since the friend thought the girl was actually dead he stabbed her?

sorority row

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when u do a movie on top of the screen (where the actors r) are choises: play, edit,delete and sent to friend u select delete

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yes she is. and i think she will play the role of jack's best friend's daughter

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There is no trick Actully the trick is just play it. try to find 5 in a row or 4 in a row.