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Could the answer be TACIT. It means to be silent etc. No, it is an adjective meaning "silent".

The correct answer is TACET from the Latin for silence. In Latin it actually means: "let it be silent."

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Q: What is the musical term meaning voice or instrument must be silent?
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Bass is the bottom-most voice or instrument part. For example, string bass, or the bass voice.

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A-Capella means to sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments or to use your voice as the instrument. An example would be choirs that use only their voices to make amazing music.

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'Xylo-' is a prefix from the Greek meaning 'wood', for example, Xylophone comes from the greek xylo for wood and phone comes from the greek for voice, hence the musical instrument xylophone means the sound, or voice, of wood.

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The 5 basic types of insturments are woodwinds, brass, stringed, percussion, and voice.

What were the first musical instruments used for?

the first instrument made was the harmonica the first instrument made by man was 60,000 years old ,which was a flute, but really the first instrument was the human voice because anything that produces sound can be served as a musical instrument The human voice! well it was kinda the birds voice because the sing to.

What does bassoon mean?

The bassoon is a musical instrument in the woodwind family. It is the lowest, or bass, voice in the woodwind choir. It often duplicates the cello voice in orchestral compositions.

What is the earliest musical instrument?

The human voice is most likely the earliest musical instrument. It is impossible to date when musical instruments came into place in human history, but most likely it started out as percussion (banging rocks together and eventually crudely made drums). There is no certain answer.

What are five musical instrument classifications?

Brass, woodwinds, percussion, strings, and keyboards are the five general groups of instruments. Some people consider their voice to be a instrument as well.

What does rest mean in musical terms?

A rest means the voice or instrument stops making sound for a certain length of time.