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Q: What is the musician who leads Fronts or organizes a band called?
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How fast does a cold front travel?

There is no fixed speed, it depends on the energy in the weather system of which the cold front is a part. However cold fronts move faster than warm fronts, this leads to occluded fronts.

Which fronts could be responsible for tornado weather and why?

Tornadoes are most often associate with cold fronts. This is because a cold front can produce convection that leads to strong thunderstorms. Under the right conditions these thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.

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The two leads on a diode are called the anode and the cathode.

Which is considered a boundary between two different fronts?

A sharp change in temperature or air mass characteristics is considered a boundary between two different fronts. This boundary is known as a "frontal boundary" and often leads to distinct weather changes and patterns.

Who is the person called who leads a parade?

The person who leads the parade is called the Grand Marshall.

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A Roman soldier that leads a century is called a centurion.

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A person who leads an orchestra is called a?

Conductor :)

What do you call a person who leads a meeting?

The person who leads a council meeting cab be called the chairperson.

Who is the chief musician in Hebrew tradition?

In Hebrew tradition, the chief musician is commonly known as the "Hazzan" or "Cantor." The Hazzan leads the congregation in prayer and chants during religious services. They are responsible for the musical aspects of the worship experience, including leading the singing and sometimes playing musical instruments.

What is the person called who leads the prayed in the place of worship?

He is called the Imam.