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The mystery of the Blessed trinity

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Q: What is the mystery that in god there are 3 persons and 1 distinct nature?
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The mystery that in god there are three persons and distinct nature?

This is a reference to the Trinity - one Godhead with three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Who are theholy trinity?

The Holy Trinity, as taught by Christian theology is three coeternal Persons, coequal in dignity and power: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit united in the Godhead. The three Persons, though distinct and unique, are one in Being, substance, nature, and essence. Christianity maintains that this mystery of three Persons with one substance cannot be fully or logically understood by created beings.

How is the trinity distinct?

The Trinity is distinct in that it refers to the Christian belief that God exists as three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. These three persons are distinct from one another, yet are united in their essence as one God. This concept is unique to Christianity and sets it apart from other monotheistic religions.

What is an antitrinitarian?

An antitrinitarian is a person who rejects the Trinitarian doctrine that God exists simultaneously as the three distinct persons of the trinity.

What does it mean to say that God is a communion of persons?

"Communion of persons" is most likely a way of describing the Trinity. However the informed Trinitarian would not accept such a definition or description. We would say that the one God has existed eternally in three distinct persons.

What does the creed teach us about the trinity?

The creed teaches that there is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, distinct from one another, but they are united in essence and purpose. This doctrine of the Trinity underscores the mysterious nature of God's being and his relational dynamic within himself.

What is the day you pay special honor to the mystery of the three persons in one God?

that day is called holy trinity Sunday

What do you mean when you say god is a mystery?

Is God a Mystery is thequestion?No , God is not a mystery ,for the heavens and the earth declare Him . When you look at a blade of grass that sways in the wind , God is in it . When you look at the ocean the power of God is there in the churning of the waves , and the calmness that comes upon it. When you look at the heavens ,God's glory is revealed . In Romans 1:20 is proof that God is not mystery and if you do not know God then think , for you were created by a great designer and did not evolve , even a child can see this . look around you and see the glory of God and honor His creation , No God is not a mystery.

What is the short prayer for the mystery of one god you n three divinve persons?

you can say,"In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

What are Muslims and Catholics?

They are both religions. They believe in a different God. No, they believe in the same God but do not consider him as having three distinct persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus is considered as only a prophet by the Muslims and not the Son of God.

What is the Catholic God of mildew?

There is no specific Catholic God of mildew. In Catholicism, God is seen as the creator and sustainer of all things, but there is no deity specifically associated with mildew. It is more likely that mildew is seen as a natural phenomena within the context of Catholic beliefs.

What was the mystery god establish before he created the world?

God's greatest mystery is the question, "Who created God?"