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Q: What is the name for a day where the daytime and nighttime have the same durration?
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What country has the same length of daytime and length of nighttime all year?

There is no such place on Earth.

What is the daytime and nighttime temperature for Uranus?

put my finger in 06:00 am same as 18:00 pm

What marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere?

Spring EquinoxThe Spring Equinox. This is the day that both both daytime and nighttime are functioning in the exact same span of time. (IE. Daytime = 12 hours, Nighttime = 12 hours = Spring Equinox.)

How are waves made in the day time?

Waves are made in the daytime the same way they are made at nighttime. Primarily by wind, and occasionally by seismic shocks.

What is the total of all prizes won on Wheel of Fortune from 1975 through September 2010?

They are not even the same show. One was a network show during the daytime and the other is a Syndicated nighttime show. When the nighttime show started the daytime show did not end, but continued for many years. In any case the information is no longer available because many of the daytime shows no longer exist.

Is it night for the whole planet at the same time or different times?

Some places have opposite times with the others. For example, when it's nighttime in one place, it's daytime in the other.

Is it night the whole planet at the same time or different times?

Some places have opposite times with the others. For example, when it's nighttime in one place, it's daytime in the other.

What happens on September 21st?

On September 21st everywhere in the world has the same amount of sunlight. This also happens on March 21st. Also on the 21st of March and September the daytime and the nighttime are the exact same length.

Is it daytime in the southern hemisphere when it is nighttime in the northern hemisphere?

Yes, when it is daytime in the southern hemisphere, it is nighttime in the northern hemisphere due to the Earth's rotation on its axis. This is because parts of the Earth are facing towards the sun while other parts are facing away from it, experiencing daylight and nighttime accordingly.

How does the length of daytime and nighttime affect the season change?

It all depends on your latitude. The closer you are to the equatorial latitudes, the more your days are equal in numbers closer to 12. In all other latitudes, the further you are up towards the poles, the larger the difference is of daytime and nighttime. At the equator, the days and nights are pretty much the same in summer and winter. But near the poles, summer is always in daylight and winter is always in darkness.

Why don't places on earth have day at the same time?

because one side of the earth is facing the sun (daytime) and the other is facing the moon (nighttime) and then the earth is constantly moving so everyone gets day and night

In Britain is daytime in february longer or shorteror the same length as June?

It is the same as daytime in June.