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NH2-COOH is the chemical formula of the hypothetical carbamic acid. This group exist in aminoacids, carbamates, urethanes etc.

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Group name: amino acid

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Q: What is the name for a molecule with a NH2 and a COOH substituent?
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What is NH2 and COOH groups called in proteins?

NH2=amino group COOH=Carboxylic acid therefore -oic acid

Why does protein exist as a zwitterion?

Because proteins are made up of amino acids and amino acids have both an NH2 group and a COOH group. Amino acids are zwitterions because the NH2 group protonates and the COOH group deprotonates, giving a molecule where one part has a positive charge and another has a negative charge.

Describe the meaning of the two parts of the name amino acid?

Amino refers to the -NH2 group of atoms. Generally, organic acids have the carboxylic acid group -COOH. Thus, amino acids are compounds that have both the basic -NH2 & acidic -COOH groups.

When both -NH2 and -COOH replace hydrogen atoms on the same carbon atom and what is formed?

When both -NH2 and -COOH replace hydrogen atoms on the same carbon atom, an amino acid is formed.

What is the structure?

Amino acids have structure R-CH(-COOH)-NH2

What is the formula of amino acid?


What is terephthalamide?

HooC-C6H4-CooH+2NH3=NH4OOC-C6H4-CooNH4--- -2H2O= NH2-CO-C6H4-CO-NH2

The formula for an amino group is whereas the formula of a carboxyl group is?

NH2 and COOH

When -NH2 and -COOH replace hydrogen atome it makes a?

An Amino Acid is formed.

Is an amino acid and example of an inorganic molecule?

NO!!! Amino acids are definitely ORGANIC molecules. Here is one possibility of an amino acid/ H2N-CH2-CH2-COOH. It named as an amino acid because it contains an acid functional group (COOH) and an amine functional group (NH2).

What is amino acid formula?

NH2-CRH-COOH The central C is known as the 'alpha' carbon.

When both nh2 and COOH replace hydrogen atoms on the same carbon what is formed?

it forms an amino acid