

What is the name for aqueous HCLO4?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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This compound, HCLO4, is perchloric acid.

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12y ago
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9y ago

The name of HClO4 is perchloric acid. This is a type of inorganic compound. It is usually colorless and more acidic than nitric and sulfuric acids.

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3w ago

Aqueous HClO4 is called perchloric acid.

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15y ago

perchloric acid

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12y ago

Perchloric acid

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Q: What is the name for aqueous HCLO4?
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HClO4 is classified as an ionic compound because it consists of a cation (H+) and an anion (ClO4-). It is formed through the transfer of electrons between the hydrogen atom and the chlorate ion.

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perchloric acid

What is the name of the compound whose formula is HClO4?

The compound with the formula HClO4 is called perchloric acid.

Is HClO4 a salt?

Carbon tetrachloride is a covalent compound in which there is the absence of free electrons. It cannot conduct electricity and hence is a non-electrolyte. It Contains molecules and doesn't form ions in the aqueous solution.

What is the name of HCIO4?

HClO4 is perchloric acid or hydrogen perchlorate. It is very strong acid and strong oxidant.However you mistyped the name: it is not HCIO4 (with capital 'I') but HClO4 (with lower case 'l', small letter of L)

What the name of HCIO4?

HClO4 is perchloric acid or hydrogen perchlorate. It is very strong acid and strong oxidant.However you mistyped the name: it is not HCIO4 (with capital 'I') but HClO4 (with lower case 'l', small letter of L)

How HClO4 formed?

Perchloric acid (HClO4) is formed by dissolving perchlorate salts (such as sodium perchlorate) in water. The perchlorate ion (ClO4-) is a strong oxidizing agent, and when it reacts with water, it forms perchloric acid. Additionally, perchloric acid can also be synthesized by the reaction of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) with water.

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Which is strongest acid among H2SO4 and HClO4 acid?

Perchloric acid (HClO4) is a stronger acid than sulfuric acid (H2SO4) because perchloric acid has a more acidic hydrogen that is easier to release as a proton, resulting in a stronger acid.

IS HClO4 an acid or a base?

HClO4 is an acid. It is known as perchloric acid, a strong acid that can donate a proton (H+) in a solution.

KOH HClO4 yields what?

The reaction between potassium hydroxide (KOH) and perchloric acid (HClO4) produces potassium perchlorate (KClO4) and water (H2O).