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Q: What is the name for materials that let electricity flow through them?
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What is the name of the group of materials that electricity cannot flow through?

Insulators. This group consists of rubber, glass, plastic & many other materials.

What is the scientific name of a substance that lets electricity flow through it?

A substance that lets electricity flow through it is called a conductor (or sometimes, to be more explicit, it is called an electrical conductor). Substances which do not permit the flow of electricity are called insulators.

What name is given to a solution that allows electricity to flow through it?

Mankind will never f*cking know

What is the scientific name for something that stops the flow of electricity?

An insulator is a material that stops or reduces the flow of electricity.

What are materials that allow charges to flow through then easily called?

electric conductor They are called conductors of electricity. Electricity is the flow of charge. Solid conductors contain free electrons that carry the charge. Liquid conductors contain ions that carry the charge.

What is the name for a material which lets electricity flow through it easily?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. A conductor. It lets heat and electrical current easily.

What is a science fair project name for what materials conduct electricity?

The conduct of electricity

What is the correct name for materials that aren't conductors of electricity?


What refers to the flow of electrons through a wire?

Electricity is the name given to the flow of electrons. Conventionally, the electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive. An individual electron does not make the whole trip instantaneously - an electron moves on to an atom, which then has an excess of charge, and the spare electron is passed on to the next atom, and so on.electrons are charged particles and the flow of these electrons constitute electricity.

Which material will allow electricity to flow between the battery and the light bulb?

I guess you mean, between a battery and something else.The generic name for materials which allow an electric current to flow through is "conductor". Specific examples include any metal, graphite, ions in a water solution.

What is the name of a material that does not let electricity through?


Name the item that electricity cannot pass through?
