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The outer ear consists of the "pinna" and the "external auditory meatus." The "tympanic membrane" is the border of the "middle ear." Notice that the diagram incorrectly labels the "pinna" as the outer ear. [The diagram is posted online without either a source or a copyright notice.]

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Q: What is the name for the outer ear?
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What is the name given to the channel that connects the outer ear to inner ear?

The stirrup connects the outer ear to the inner ear

What is the Name of outside part of the ear?

the anatomical name for outer ear is PINNA,The anatomical name for ear is OTO, e.g., inflammation of ear is OTitisENT a branch of Surgery is Ear Nose and Throat also called as( Oto rhino laryngology )Oto : EarRhino : NoseLarynx : ThroatExternal ( outer ) ear is also called as Pinna ( auricle ),The inflammation of outer ear (pinna) is also called as Otitis externa

What is name of the external ear?

The medical name for the outer ear is the pinna. It is also known as the auricle.

What is the name given to the channel that connects the outer ear to the inner ear?

euthasian tube

What is the name of the soft leathery part that sit on your outer ear from on the ear headphones?

Ear cups or ear pads, depending on where you look.

What is the part of the your ear we can see is?

The three sections are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. There are links below to the images of the ear's anatomy.

Name the part of the outer ear that directs sound waves to the tympanic?

That part is called as ear lobe or the pinna of the ear.

What is the function of the eardrum inner ear and outer ear?

to transmit sound entering the outer ear to the bones of the middle ear

The common name for otomycosis is?

It is commonly known as Singapore ear. It is a fungal infection of the outer ear canal.

What channel connects to the outer ear to the inner ear?

the stirrup connects to the outer ear to the inner ear

What job does the ear canal do?

The ear canal would collect sound from the pinna(pinna is another name for outer ear) and directs it to the ear drums to vibrate.

Do fish have a outer ear or inner ear?

well... if you see the fish's ear on the outside then it has an outer ear but if not then the fish has an inner ear.