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Q: What is the name for the portion of a stars life cycle when it is using hydrogen for fuel?
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What is the name for the portion of a star's life cycle when it is using hydrogen for fuel?

main sequence

What is the name for the portion of a star life cycle when it is using hydrogen for fuel?

Main Sequence.

What is a fuel for a star?

Most stars process Hydrogen using nuclear fusion and turn it into Helium.

How did gold get made?

All elements, including gold, excepting hydrogen, helium, and lithium, were made inside stars using nuclear reactions.

Why do stars evolve off of the main sequence?

Because they have exhausted their supply of hydrogen in the core. They might reenter the main sequence later, but that will be using hydrogen in the shell (the branch phase) rather than the core.

What information is needed about the star in order to estimate its age using the star life cycle?

You need to know the mass, and the percentage of hydrogen and helium in the star.

Why do starts need helium?

stars* and they don't need helium they make helium from hydrogen using nuclear fusion omg im 13 and i know this

What other information is needed about the star in order to estimate its age using the star life cycle?

You need to know the mass, and the percentage of hydrogen and helium in the star.

What are the ways in which stars are differ in one another?

Principally by size. Larger stars are hotter and brighter. Next by age. As stars get older, they begin to run out of hydrogen fuel, start using helium and swell to red giants. Lastly by composition. Stars that formed earlier tend to have less carbon, oxgyen and "metals" in them.

What gives a stars its light?

Stars are powered by the process of nuclear fusion, which is where hydrogen nuclei are fused together to become helium. A helium nucleus weighs slightly less than the hydrogen used to create it, and the chance in mass is converted to energy using the formula e = mc2. This energy is released as radiation (including visible light and heat).

What can you make with hydrogen?

Using only Hydrogen, you can make Hydrogen gas by combining two atoms of Hydrogen (H2).

What are light reactions and dark reactions?

light reaction is photolysis which mean using light or photon to lysis or break the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen ion, H+. Dark reaction or the calvin cycle uses hydrogen ion to convert carbon dioxide into glucose