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"The Oort cloud". (Although very remote it's still part of the solar system really.)

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Q: What is the name given to cloud of comets far beyond your solar system?
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What originates in the oort cloud located beyond the orbit of pluto?

Comets. We think. Let's be clear about this; the "Oort cloud" is entirely THEORETICAL. It makes perfect sense that there must be SOMEPLACE that comets are coming from, since it's impossible that the same comets have been swooping past the Sun for the last 4.5 BILLION years. But as of yet, we have no actual EVIDENCE of the area known as the Oort Cloud. Nor, given the distances involved, is it even possible for us to GET the evidence given our current technology. As scientists, we can be fairly confident that when we get out there, either in person or by robot, we'll find a vast area with a few billion speckles of dirt, rocks, ice - you know, comet stuff. Then we will have some evidence that the Oort cloud theory is correct. But we're not there yet.

How many comets are seen in the sky?

There have been 4,000 comets that have been discovered in the solar system as of 2010. The most famous comets that have names is Hale-Bopp, Swift-Tuttle, Hyakutake, Halley and Shoemaker -Levy 9.

What is something in space that sometimes is called a dirty snowball?

That's a description sometimes given to comets.

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How many Asteroids have crashed on Eris?

It is unknown as not much is known about Eris at this point. However, it is not likely that Eris has had many encounters with asteroids given its positions in the solar system. It probably, has had more thane a few encounters with comets, however.

What is the name given to a towering cloud that has not fully developed into a thunderstorm?

cumulus humilis

What is the unit of measurement for a cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

Does a electron cloud have a specific size?

It is impossible to know exactly where an electron is. Thus, the size of an electron cloud can be given only in terms of probability. Even then, the size of the electron cloud depends on how many electrons an atom possesses.

Are there other names for comets?

comets are given the designation reflecting the date of discovery of the comet. they were named by their discoverers with certain guidelines about what constitutes a discovery and how many discoverers may be named.

How did cloud get the buster sword?

It was given to him by Zack, before he died, at the end of FFVII: Crisis Core.

What names have been given to different comets?

There is a very big comet that passes the earth about every 76 years. It's called the Halley comet!