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Tenant Farmers

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Q: What is the name given to people who pay their rent by giving the landlord a portion of their crops?
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Related questions

Who payed the landlord by giving him a portion of his crops in ancient China?

The Chinese peasants who lived on the landlord's estate.

What did people sacrifice for Demeter?

Usually a portion of the yield from their crops.

Feudal serf attached to the soil?

A feudal serf attached to the soil was a peasant laborer who worked the land belonging to a landlord in exchange for protection and a portion of the crops. They were not free to leave the land without the landlord's permission, making them essentially tied to the land they worked on.

What does the nile do for egypts economy?

they help the people to live by giving water and growing crops.

What is a share cropper?

A sharecropper is a tenant farmer who gives a share of the crops raised to the landlord in lieu of rent.

How did most sharecroppers and tenant farmers make their living?

Sharecroppers had an agreement to live on a farm. While there they would grow crops and split the profits with the landlord.

What did farmers do with their crops they would throw it away instead of giving it to the poor okies that did not have a job?

they would thorw the crops away to the garbage instead of giving it to the poor okies

What is the difference between tenant farming and sharecropping?

The landowners both had former slaves and poor whites working for them.

What portion of the crops did Joseph tell the egyptians to give Pharaoh?

One fifth.

What is agricultural adjustment agency?

Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so as to effectively raise the value of crops, thereby giving farmers relative stability again. When people agriculturalise they get aids. When this happens everyone dies

What is share croppping?

A system of agriculture where an owner allows a tenant to use a portion of their land to grow their own crops for a portion of the finished crop.

What were farmers with no enslaved people called?

Farmers without enslaved people were typically called free farmers or tenant farmers. These individuals would either own their land or rent it from a landlord in order to cultivate crops or raise livestock.