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A mature ovary, with seeds inside, is called a fruit.

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10y ago

Flowering plants are seed-producing plants. The fruit is a matured, ripened ovary that provides protection and distributes the seeds inside.

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13y ago

fruit or leaves

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a fruit

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Q: What is the name given to the expanded and ripened ovary of a plant?
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Fruit is the ripened ovary of a plant?


What is the ripened ovary of a flowering plant?


How do you call a mature ripened ovary of a plant?

A mature ripened ovary of a plant is called a fruit. It develops from the ovary after pollination and fertilization, typically containing seeds. Some examples of fruits are apples, oranges, and tomatoes.

A fruit is a ripened what?

A fruit is a ripened ovary containing seed +++++++++++++ A fruit is a part of any plant that has seeds in it.

What is The ripened ovary of a flowering seed plant?

A seed that becomes ripe is a fruit.

Is pineapple a fruit or vegetable?

Pineapple is a fruit (composite) as you eat the ripened ovary of the plant. Vegetables are considered "greens" where the leaves, stems or roots are consumed

Why are fruit tree ovaries round?

The fruit is the ripened ovary of a plant containing the seeds. After fertilization, the ovary swells and becomes either fleshy or hard and dry to protect the developing seeds.

Is a flower a fruit?

A flower is the part of the plant that becomes the fruit when pollinated.It changes into a fruit when petals and other parts of plants die.Then the ovary changes into seeds of that fruit.If we check it after few days the plant changes into a fruit for us to eat.

What is the job of a ovary in a plant?

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What does the ovary produce in a plant?

In a plant, the ovary produces the fruit.

What part of the plant are apricots?

All fruits are the ripened ovaries of the plant.

What part of the fruit forms the fruit?
