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Vector quantity

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Q: What is the name given to the physical quantity which can be completely described by specifying both magnitude and direction?
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A vector is a quantity with magnitude and ___?

A vector is described by magnitude and direction (a scalar has only magnitude).

A vector is a quantity with magnitude and?

A vector is described by magnitude and direction (a scalar has only magnitude).

Why pressure is a scalar quantity while stress is a vector?

For specifying pressure u need only magnitude, but for specifying stress u need magnitude,direction and plane Remember stress is not a vector but it is 2nd order tensor..........

Is quantity described by both magnitude and direction is a vector?


What is the name given to the physical quantity which can be completely described by specifying both magnitude and direction. name four such quantities?

That's a 'vector'. Examples include displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,momentum, torque, gradient, divergence, and curl.Distance, speed, temperature, price, weight, energy, power, voltage, resistance,and duration are not vectors.

What measure is a vectore quanity?

A vector quality is defined as a quality that is described completely by both a direction and a magnitude. Velocity describes what direction something is moving as well as the speed it is moving, which makes it a vector quality.

Can Distance be fully described with a magnitude and a unit?

Distance can be fully described with a magnitude and a unit. It is a scalar quantity, which means it has a magnitude (numerical value) but not a direction. A related quantity is displacement, which is the straight line distance from a starting point to an ending point. Displacement is a vector quantity, so it can only be fully described with a magnitude, a unit, and and direction.

A physical quantity described by both magnitude and direction is called what?

A physical quantity that is specified by both magnitude and direction is a vector by definition.

Is duration of a flight a scalar or vector?

Scalars are quantities that are fully described by magnitude aloneVectors are quantities that are fully described by both magnitude and a direction.Duration of a flight is simply a magnitude and there is no direction so it is a scalar.

How many types of quantities?

there are three types of quantities:-1.Scalar quantities - Scalarsare quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.2.vector quantities - Vectorsare quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.3.Tensor quantities - tensors are quantities that are fully described by magnitude, direction and the plane thecomponent acts on.

What items must be stated to specify to a vector quantity completely?

The vector magnitude and direction or the components of the vector.

What is the vector quantities?

those quantities in which we are need are both magnitude and direction for complete described is called a Victor