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This is known as the focus or more correctly the hypocentre.

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Q: What is the name given to the point within the earth where an earthquake rupture starts?
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What is the definition of hypocenter?

The hypocenter is the point within the earth where an earthquake rupture starts


the point within earth where the earthquake starts

The point within the earth where earthquake rupture starts?

epicenter your welcome maybe we couldgo out some time lol jk bye

Where is an earthquake focus found?

The focus of an earthquake is more properly called its hypocentre and is the point within the Earth where the earthquake actually occurred (i.e where the rupture actually starts).The epicentre of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the hypocentre.Please see the related links.

The point within the earth where an earthquakes rupture starts?


What is the hypocenter of an earthquake?

It is the point within the Earth's crust where the fault movement or rupture actually occurs.

What is the name of the location where a rupture starts?

It's the "Fracture Center". The Epicenter is the spot directly above the earth that is the center of the earthquake.

What is the name of the location where a fault rupture starts?

It's the "Fracture Center". The Epicenter is the spot directly above the earth that is the center of the earthquake.

The point within the earth where an earthqake rupture starts?

The focus or hypocentre.

What is the difference between an earthquake's fucus and epicenter?

An earthquake's focus is the point within the earth where the earthquake starts. The epicenter is the point on earth directly above the focus.

What are the main features of an earthquakes?

An earthquake is a vibration of the Earth produced by a rapid release of energy . The main features include the focus, the location within the Earth where the earthquake rupture starts, and the epicenter, the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus. Also the fault which is the fracture in the earth. And seismic waves which are waves of energy created when plates suddenly move. These cause the ground to shake.

What was the depth of the Haitian earthquake that occurred in January 2010?

The hypocentre (the point within the Earth where the rupture actually occurred) of the January 2010 earthquake was located at a depth of 13 km below the surface.