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This question refers to animal (including human) growth and maturity. Cartilage tissue in certain areas changes into bone which forms the final and adult structure of the organism. In humans the terminal phase of these changes are in the late teens to early twenties at the latest.
No dear friend. That never happens..... Both are entirely different in composition, for example, cartilages contain a lot of collagen while bones have huge calcium deposits

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Cartilage matures in to bone over time.

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It is called Ossification

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Q: What is the name given to the process of turning cartilage into bone?
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What is the term for the process of cartilage turning into bone?

Endochondral Ossification meaning "formed in cartilage.

What cartilage articulates with another bone or bone process?

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What is the cartilage articulates with another bone or bone process called?

It is just called an articular cartilage. The type of cartilage is fibrocartilage.

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Turn into bone?

The process of turning into bone is called ossification.

What is the Process of ossification?

the formation of bone from pre-existing hyaline cartilage models

Why do you think the amount of cartilage decreases and the amount of bone increases as a person develops?

The decrease in cartilage and increase in bone during development is due to the process of ossification, where cartilage is gradually replaced by bone tissue. This process is essential for bone formation and growth, as bones need to be strong and rigid to provide support and protection to the body. Additionally, the increase in bone also helps with mineral storage and blood cell production.

What is present in bone either bone or cartilage?

Bone starts out as cartilage and as it matures it becomes bone...

In early development bone tissue is made mostly of?

In early development, bone tissue is made mostly of a type of connective tissue called cartilage. This cartilage serves as a precursor to bone formation and provides structural support during bone development. Over time, the cartilage is gradually replaced by mineralized bone tissue through a process known as endochondral ossification.