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Q: What is the name of Jaqueline Wilson's book about a girl who goes to hospital at the same time as her grandma does?
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What was jaqueline wilsons 1 book?

Hide and seek in 1972

What is jaqueline wilsons favirote book and why?

Her favourite book is lavenders blue because it is the type of book she likes

What is jaqueline wilsons most popular book?

The Tracy Beaker books are arguably Jacqueline Wilson's most popular works.

Has jaqueline Wilson got a nickname?

Yes, as a child Jaqueline had a nickname. It was Jacky Daydream. That is also a title of her book. You can read more about it in that book

What was jaqueline's first book called?

the raven

Who wrote the book tracey beaker?

jaqueline Wilson

Who wrote the book 'Candyfloss'?

Candyfloss was written by Jaqueline Wilson.

Did jaqueline Wilson write a book called candyfloss?


Why did jaqueline Wilson name the book hush?

i dont now

What was the first book that jaqueline Wilson written?

nobody's perfect

What is Jaqueline Wilson's favorite book?

her favourite book is the Tracy Beaker series. :L

What is jacquline wilsons fravour book?

her fav. book is the illustrated mum.