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I am not sure, but the one that uses 0's and 1's is called binary.

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Q: What is the name of a computer code that uses 0s and 9's?
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What is computer version of Morse code?

Computer don't have Morse code. They use something called Binary Code. It uses 1s and 0s for the letters whereas Morse code uses dots and dashes.

Tiny computer data is called?

binary code 1s or 0s

What are some uses for the binary system on the computer?

Everything. As far as the computer is concerned, everything is 1s and 0s.

This code of 1s and 0s is called the code?


What is the function of a computer hardware?

1s and 0s.

What happens when you put a magnet on your computer?

Your computer uses magnetism to store information. The binary code used by your computer to transmit information at the most basic level, 1s and 0s, are stored by your computer in the form of magnetic charges. 1s are represented by magnetized bits and 0s are represented by unmagnetized bits. (8 bits make up a byte)Due to this, putting a magnet on your computer may damage information stored in it, as well as possibly corrupting the ROM in your motherboard. ROM is the read only memory that your computer uses to know how to start up.For these reasons and others, I would highly recommend not putting any magnets anywhere near your computer.

Why do robots use binary code?

Yes. Any electronic device that need to move information uses binary code

What is simple code that uses 1's and 0s?

Binary 1 + 1 = 10 10 + 1 = 11 11 + 1 = 100 100 + 1 = 101 101 + 1 = 1000 et.seq.,

Why is 2421 is called self complementary?

9's complement of a decimal number represented in 2421 code is easily obtained by replacing the 1s with 0s,and 0s with 1s,so 2421 code is called a self complementing code.example-2421 of '2' is '0010',after replacing the 0s with 1s and 1s with 0s weget '1101' which is the 2421 of '7'(9s complement of 2 is 7). Thus 2421 code is self complementary.

Which programming language uses a string of 1s and 0s?

You, as a programmer, can use a string with 1s and and 0s (or any other content) in each and every programming language.

What is 1's and 0s in computer network?

They are the binary digits used extensively in transmitting and storing huge amounts of data.

Is All data input into a computer stored as a string of 1s and 0s?
