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Pumice is basically lava froth, an extrusive rock frozen as its dissolved gases come out of solution. It looks solid but often floats on water.

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Q: What is the name of a very porous igneous rock that is so light that it floats on water?
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What is a light porous volcanic rock called?

Pumice. It floats on water due to its vesicular structure.

The extrusive igneous rock that floats in water?


What is the name of the igneous rock that is light enough to float?

Pumice, an extrusive igneous rock. Pumice is very porous and therefore allows air to get trapped when it is in water. Pumice stones are formed when lava cools quickly, they are usually white in colour and have a heavily pitted surface.

How can there be a rock that floats and what are three ways that this rock can be formed?

Very porous rocks such as pumice can be very light and have the potential to float on water. Pumice is a volcanic rock.

Does pumice floats in water?

Porous lava rock is called pumice. If placed in water, it would float as it possesses a density that is less than water.

Which stone floats in water?

Pumice floats on water. It is because it is made out of lava which had bubbles left inside it. The bubbles has air trapped in it. These bubbles allow pumice to float on water.

What do you called an igneous rock that floats on water due to the presence of many gas bubble holes.?

Pumice is such a rock.

Do elodea float on water?

Elodea floats on water because it is light.

What is an igneous rock that is gray and floats in water?

Pumice is a grey volcanic rock so full of gas bubbles that it is able to float on water.

Why paper floats in water?

It's porous like wood. It's also very light. When it's fairly dry, it will still float but when it gets all wet, it starts to sink. There is no particular reason for why it floats that I know of. I hope this helped!! ^^ paper is less dense than water . but when it gets wet, it becomes more dense . :D does it make sense ?

Is cork a porous materials?

No. Cork floats because it is not only lighter than water, it doesn't absorb water. That's why cork is used to seal wine and champagne bottles.

What is an igneous rock that floats on water due to the presence of many gas bubble holes.?

The rock comes from a volcano and is known as pumice.